Behavioral Targeting – A potential DSP strategy for media campaigns


15 February 2016


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Aren’t you happy that you are finding the perfect leads that automatically convert into customers in your digital media campaigns? Behavioral targeting, a recent technique in digital advertising, has enabled marketers to achieve 90% success from their campaigns.

Although the name itself tells about the kind of marketing strategy behavioral targeting is, let’s find out more…

Behavioral targeting effectively uses a customer’s past activity while displaying an ad. While matching an ad with the user, the media planning software uses non-personal and anonymous information from the user.

The fact that identifying user behavior is not just limited to the desktop makes media planning software a versatile technology. There are some mobile media platforms that help companies to target users depending on their mobile search patterns. One of the key factors in mobile tracking is where the users are located when they conduct a particular online search.

How behavioral targeting functions

The agencies use demand-side platforms (DSPs) for buying the advertisements across the networks in real-time. As there is media software that can track the user’s IP address and content type, the user browses using deep package inspection
(DPI), and the marketer is able to identify the ad appropriate for the user. The marketers then buy relevant ads via real-time bidding (RTB) and put them up on the websites. This media planning software allows marketers to focus on ads for granularity specified audiences. The tool uses different kinds of data to show the right ad to the right audience.

Information marketer’s use for behavioral targeting:

  • The demographic information that the user has shared with partner websites
  • Data extracted by cookies from the websites visited by the consumer
  • General assumptions based on the types of websites visited by the user
  • Social networking sites for collecting data for this kind of targeting

Types of behavioral targeting

Several technologies and approaches are used in behavioral targeting. Every company in space has its set of nomenclature and approach. However, the entire gamut of behavioral targeting can be roughly divided into three categories:

  1. Targeting based on affinity

Also known as traditional targeting, the tracking is based on the information the users take in. Here, the user is tracked within a particular category. By consistent consumption trait, the tracking is based on the interest the user shows in web search. This way, advertising is based on unique profiles of users rather than by focusing on the current search that the user has keyed in.

  1. Re-targeting

This tracking is simpler than affinity-based targeting. Here, the user has already visited a website, made some pre-decision stage activities, but has not completed the action. Usually, users get tagged through cookies and they can be targeted again via some cross-selling prospects. According to the user’s latest interest, an advertisement can be tailor-made using re-targeting.

  1. Predictive targeting

Predictive targeting is based on a series of data collected both, online and offline. The first step is gathering data online— analyzing user behavior through their clicks and real-time internet surfing. The user gets monitored through the websites they visited the amount of time spent on each website, etc. The first profile of the user gets created through online monitoring. Complete data is then collected by some kinds of socio-demographic survey, which provides complete information on the lifestyle and interests of the user.

Predictive technology is used to analyze the survey data (offline) with performance data (online) to complete the profile. Thus, there is the extrapolation of socio-demographic data of the sample population to a larger user base, using the similarities in the behavioral patterns observed in the sample users to a larger population.

Behavioral targeting is definitely a valuable media planning software for digital advertising. However, you need to beef your strategies up with adequate tactics. Start with the identification of the right audience for a certain media buy, the required accomplishment of the campaign, and consequently its appropriate channels and communication media. Within this framework, identify if behavioral targeting can achieve better or not.

Author Bio:

Preethi Vagadia is currently a Senior Business architect with the Service operations practice at a well-known IT Industry in Bangalore. She has worked in several process improvement projects involving multi-national teams for global customers. She has over 8 years of experience in mortgage technology and has successfully executed several projects in logistics management, logistics integration, reverse logistics, content management system software, warranty software, and programmatic solutions.

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Social Media

5 Unusual Social Media Tips That No One Will Know About

There is nothing that drives business success better than social media marketing. With billions of users signed in to different platforms at different times, there is no doubt that reaching your target audience is not a vicious cycle. However, you might scribble social media at the helm of the list that contains the tools you will use for your digital marketing plans, but you will not get desired results if you don’t do everything right. With a recent study showing that social media referrals contribute to over 30% of a website’s traffic, this calls for you to be armed with the latest tips and techniques that will place you ahead of your rivals. Have you read an array of blogs, sites, and other sources of information, but you tend not to achieve social media marketing success that you desire? Stop stressing and keep reading! Below are a few social media strategies that nobody will tell you about. 5 Unusual Social Media Tips That No One Will Know About: 1. Write long posts : Weird, right? You are used to writing a few sentences that explain your products or services and how to purchase them and you consider your work done, huh? To achieve more success in social media, you need to write longer posts that will give more valuable information to your target audiences. If the primary social media platform for your business is Twitter that has failed to back down on its 140-character limit, you can use it alongside other platforms such as Facebook and Google+ that allow longer conversations.  This way, you will have the capacity to engage more with your audiences. 2. Come up with Facebook groups : Today, organic search for official pages for brands continue to diminish among users. Therefore, you need to adopt a new strategy if your desire is to remain relevant in your industry. You can do this by creating Facebook pages. With them, group members will be able to receive notifications whenever you update new information. 3. Include a personal touch on your tweets : With thousands of feeds that continue streaming with no end on tweeter, most of your tweets can go without notice. However, if you customize them with catchy font color and line breaks, you will capture the attention of your audiences. In a bid to break the monotony of short-form messages on this platform, you can include a fun symbol or fun emoji, a small undertaking that can see your brand gain a competitive edge over your competitors. 4. Don’t rely on social media platforms : Social media users have their personal preferences. Since Facebook recorded a user population of over 2 billion people last year, don’t tend to think that it is the only platform you can easily reach your target audience. No! Signing up for social media is free; hence you should take advantage of this fact and sign up for as many platforms as you can. Then, regularly share valuable information in as many networks as you can. Ultimately, your brand will gain a huge following which will lead to the attainment of your digital marketing goals and objectives. 5. Be weird! Yes, social media is not a place to be serious at all times. Unlike your competitors who will always be super-professional in their marketing bid, try as much as possible to be less formal and humorous. At times, share information that will make your audiences laugh, smile, and/or get inspired. This will make them admire the authenticity of your company, a move that will boost your authority and credibility. When you implement the unusual techniques mentioned above, be ready for massive social media success that you will only measure using tools such as those found in this. Read Also : This Is Why Social Media Is Essential In The B2B Sales Process How Social Media Can Boost Up The E-Commerce Industry How To Master Social Media For Businesses & Entrepreneurs

Location-Based Data

What to Know About Location-Based Data

For businesses in any industry and of any size, location-based data and the use of a location analysis tool can take your marketing to the next level. Location-based marketing means that you’re targeting your audience based on where they are at a current moment, or maybe where they’ve recently been. For example, you could target an audience that had recently been to a local car repair shop, or maybe you’re using zip codes to target people. Location data can provide a lot of information about what a person does on a daily basis. This could include their shopping habits, where they prefer to eat, and it can even provide information about how they go from looking at a product online to buying it in a store. The use of location-based data means that you can personalize your products or services and be more targeted and efficient with your marketing. The following are some of the big things to know. The Basics Location data is typically a reference to the specific geographic position of a smartphone or another device, or a building. There are coordinates that are expressed as Latitude and Longitude, and these are the geographic positions themselves. As far as marketing, GPS data is what’s most commonly being talked about. GPS provides coordinates gathered by a device. There’s another term to be aware of here too, which is a Software Development Kit or SDK. SDK codes are used by app developers. These codes then tell the app once it’s installed on someone’s device to collect location data from that device. The codes that are installed in an app do require that the user give explicit permission for the collection of location data. The SDK method gives deep insight into the habits of users, but the opt-in element is important. Usually, the opt-in is obtained when a user first interacts with an app after downloading it. In some cases, an SDK can only work when the app is open, and others can run in the background. Legality Location data doesn’t record someone’s identity or any information that could personally identify them. Businesses small and large throughout the world do use location data. There are regulations and legal compliance issues to be aware of, though. For example, data privacy laws dictate how businesses can collect and utilize some customer data. A data collector has to get the specific consent of someone to use, store, manage or share their data. You also have to provide them the opportunity to opt-out any time. Strategies For Location-Based Marketing There are a lot of ways that you can use location-based data in your marketing. Examples include: Geofencing: This is a concept where location data is collected in real-time. With this approach, there’s the creation of a virtual perimeter around a certain location. Then, you’re either gathering data within that or targeting. You can use it for proximity marketing. For example, if someone with your app enters an area within your perimeter, then they might get a push notification letting them know of a sale or event. Geotargeting: This is about delivering ads to people in a particular location, but it’s different from geofencing in that it can use previous location data paired with specific attributes of the audience. It might, for example, use location along with interest or behavioral data. This gives the opportunity for segmented and tailored marketing. Conquesting: This location-driven marketing approach is about reaching your competitor’s customers. For example, you’re using collected data to reach an audience when they are visiting the location of your competitor. What Types of Businesses Are a Good Fit for Location-Driven Marketing? There are broadly a few types of businesses that might find location marketing is a good fit for them. First, if you have retail locations, it can be a good idea to explore the collection of location data. This can include shops, restaurants, or car dealerships. If you’re a business that has special events or seasonal events, you might consider it. This could include event venues, sporting businesses, and businesses in travel or hospitality. eCommerce brands might use location marketing to find shoppers that go to brick-and-mortar competitors. Niche industries such as transportation and real estate as well as education can benefit from location marketing. Location data is really the biggest thing right now in terms of understanding customer behavior and the full customer journey and filling in gaps in that journey or perhaps the gaps between online and offline behavior. Read Also: Crucial Role of Content Marketing in Local Business Tips on Doing Search Engine Marketing (SEM) for Businesses 5 Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business on Instagram

Mobile Marketing Tips

5 Actionable Mobile Marketing Tips That Drive Sales

Driving sales is the most important task for any marketing department, no matter how large or small your business. Here are five ways to leverage mobile marketing to increase sales immediately: Build Websites With Mobile in Mind Traditionally, websites are built to perform well on desktop and laptop computers, and then later they are optimized for mobile. In today’s business environment, however, it should be the other way around. Take a look at these statistics about mobile search traffic: 70% of searches made on smartphones or tablets result in immediate action. 73% of consumers believe mobile websites load too slowly. 68% of traffic is lost if a website isn’t configured well enough for a mobile device. Clearly, mobile searches are valuable, and your competition is losing out on these opportunities. Take the time to capture them, or you’ll lose out on sales, too. Create a Mobile Loyalty Program One of the best uses for a mobile application is to provide a loyalty program for your audience. Here are the benefits you can expect your brand to immediately enjoy: They’re less expensive than most inbound tactics that focus on finding new business rather than improving loyalty. Companies that run loyalty programs usually enjoy more growth than other companies. Your company’s reputation is improved by simply launching a loyalty program. You’ll have access to a larger portion of your customer’s overall spend. Not only that, but your customers benefit too. On average, 90 percent of all users with mobile devices believe that enrolling in a brand’s loyalty program benefits them. It’s a win-win situation. Start Distributing Coupons via Mobile Instead of Print One of the best tools you have in your arsenal to drive sales is coupons. Sending them out gives customers an instant incentive to make a purchase immediately, but if you want your customers to use them, you need to make it convenient for them to do so. That’s why mobile devices are the perfect way to distribute your coupons — convenience. Instead of having to print or clip the coupons and bring them when they shop, they’ll have instant access. This is the biggest reason that mobile coupons have a redemption rate that’s 10 times higher than print or clip coupons. Use Text Messages to Nurture Your Leads Text messages are extremely effective at getting read, with an incredible 98 percent open rate. Compare that to email, which hovers slightly above 20 percent. With that kind of power, not taking advantage of text message marketing is a huge mistake. [gallery size="full" columns="1" ids="1444"] One of the best ways to use text messages is to nurture existing leads. Text messaging is an extremely personal communication method, so sending out generalized blasts isn’t a good idea; instead, you want to send relevant, timely information to a targeted audience. Because you know that your message is going to be read, delivering the right message at the right time drives incredible results. Make Everything as Easy as Possible Mobile marketing is a great way to reach an enormous, engaged audience, but you need to understand how that audience is interacting with you. Mobile devices are easier to use than ever before, but they still can’t rival the functionality of traditional computers. If you want to drive mobile subscriptions and more business, you need to simplify everything. Don’t require too much information when somebody is creating an account for your mobile app. Let them do it with just a username and password. Once they've created an account, offer incentives, such as coupons or bonus loyalty points, for additional information. Use shortcodes to make text message subscriptions as simple as sending a single word. The fewer barriers to entry mobile users have, the more people you’ll attract and keep. Have you used mobile marketing to drive sales? Share your own tips and tricks below!  Read also: 1. App Development Benefits: Here’s why you should go Mobile 2. Role of messaging apps in enhancing a company’s market prospects